The Ummah Times: Decolonizing Minds
Carnage of Gaza Continues
Heinous crimes against the civilian population in Gaza which they have endured for 75 years have excelled at a monumental pace in recent weeks. Since the recent Israeli onslaught on October 7, 2023 on Gaza more than 2800 people have been killed by Israeli airstrikes (many of them children) and over 9600 injured. (Video below:…
A “Secular” Justification for Polygamy?
Polygamy, or polygyny if we want to be more precise, is the situation where a man can marry more than one woman. This has been an age-old Western polemic against Islam. It’s argued that this practice highlights both: It was obvious that there’d be systemic responses from Muslims, including on MuslimSkeptic website. And many English-language books have been…
Another Muslim-Led protest in Canada
The Caliph’s Speech
O Mankind, I congratulate you. At last peace reigns in the heart of man. At last greed is but a word whose meaning fades from our understanding. At last, we are whole. Brothers, there is a disease in the heart of man. Its symptom is hate. Its symptom is rage. Its symptom is greed. Its…
The Obligation of Active Dawah
If you ever get into discussions with fellow Muslims who are not sure if active dawah (e.g. publicly sharing the revealed Truth) is an obligation then share some of the following textual evidences with them that make this more than clear: “Invite them to the path of your Sustainer with wisdom and words of good…
Hail Santa: The Occult Origins of Christmas
Zagmuk Christmas is an annual festival observed primarily on December 25 among billions of people worldwide. But there are two Christmas themes celebrated simultaneously. The purpose of Christmas is most popularly associated with the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. However, at the same time, that theme has become increasingly overtaken by the role…
Are you a Bee-liever?
Are you a Bee-liever? Life Lessons from the humble bumblebee. One of the things that really fascinates me is biomimicry. Biomimicry is defined as the imitation of models, systems, and elements of nature for the purpose of solving complex human problems. This I believe to be very in line with God’s command to…
Talk with Joram Van Klaveren former anti-Muslim Dutch politician on ‘Dawah in Europe’
The Ummah Times in conversation with Brother Joram Van Klaveren ( & ) on ‘Dawah in Europe’
The Impending Civil War: Trans Activists vs. Feminists
With the current full blown “Trans Rights” agenda sweeping across the globe we are mirroring this excellent outline by our good friends at the Muslim Skeptic. A showcase of the irony of conflict between these two Satanically rooted ideologies. It seems there are now some significant internal disputes (did someone say heresy?) taking place among the…
Fallacy of the ‘Qur’an-ists’
I have been following some of the outlines of the so-called ‘Qur’an-ists’ — one of their absurd claims is that elements of Islamic history (when under the Caliphate era) also thought like them such as Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, certain schools of thought & schools of aqidah (e.g. Ahl al-Tawhid wa al-‘Adl). Below is my pointed…