Tag: secularism
The Ummah Times Round Table Show Ep. 01
Ep. 01: Plight of the Muslims, the state of the Muslims in the West, RIS and so much more! Enjoy this very lively debut episode of The Ummah Times Round Table Show.
Liberalism Versus Islam
An Affront to the West’s Public Sexualization of Women
“He said, ‘You f**-ing terrorist,’”… “‘You deserve to die.’” …‘You’d better take that scarf off your head before I rip it off.’” (https://globalnews.ca/news/4367924/durham-police-hijab-confronted/ [August 2, 2018]) With the trend of anti-Muslim hysteria going on these days, especially in the West, it is quite striking that it is modestly attired Muslim women who have received…
The Inevitable Failure of Erdogan’s “Turkish model”
In June of 2018, Turkey held its first elections since enacting its shift to an “executive form” of presidency (similar to the US style, as opposed to Canada and Europe which follow the Parliamentary style). The result was a resounding victory for sitting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who had called the elections 6 months earlier…