Month: July 2020

  • An examination of the issue of the Majaal (place of focus) of the Da’wah

    The following is the translation of an Arabic article, the original has been included below.   The Majaal (place of focus to bring the change) of the Da’wah is a prisoner to the capability of carrying it and to where the Mana’ah exists, whilst it is not a prisoner to any particular land. Therefore, any…

  • Restoration of the Hagia Sophia Museum to a Mosque

    On 7/10/2020, the Turkish Supreme Court issued a ruling, paving the way for the conversion of the Hagia Sophia Museum in Istanbul to a mosque. Here, the people’s reactions to this event varied, so what is the story of the Hagia Sophia mosque? On Sunday noon, 12 Jumada Al-Awwal 857 AH, 29/5/1445 CE, the Ottoman…

  • Tafseer of Surah ar-Ra’ad, Ayah 11

    “InnAllaha laa yoghayyiru maa bi Qawmin hattaa yoghayyiroo maa bi anfusihim” (TMQ ar-Ra’ad 13:11) “Allah will not change what is in any nation, until they all collectively make a change occur in what is in themselves.” (TMQ ar-Ra’ad 13:11) Many from amongst the sincere, and insincere, Muslims utilise this Ayah in an attempt to justify…