Category: Editorials
How Colonization has affected our notion of Muslim Unity
Secularism/Liberalism has always pressed ‘individualism’ but being this goes against the communitarian instinct Muslims think that Muslims ought to unite but never spell out in what way? Are Muslims to unite where there remains no more mutual disagreement? Should we gather together more often? Should we unite to speak out against injustice? And if any,…
From CIA running a fake vaccination program in Pakistan to WHO’s crimes against Children in the Philippines..
In the 2010s, the CIA ran a fake vaccination program in Abbottabad, Pakistan offering free Hepatitis B vaccines to children in an in order to collect DNA.1 CDC has blood on their hands thru the carnage wreaked via their vaccination programs where including thousands of innocent children have been the victims of vaccine damages.2 Among…
Did the Muslims represent or not?
Zeshan Shahbaz The national elections were currently on in the United States. The Muslims were urged to give support to those representatives to legislate man-made laws, and prop up existing man-made ones, that contravene The Creator’s revealed laws. For any Muslim having a cursory understanding of the Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad’s (saaw) way…
Restoration of the Hagia Sophia Museum to a Mosque
On 7/10/2020, the Turkish Supreme Court issued a ruling, paving the way for the conversion of the Hagia Sophia Museum in Istanbul to a mosque. Here, the people’s reactions to this event varied, so what is the story of the Hagia Sophia mosque? On Sunday noon, 12 Jumada Al-Awwal 857 AH, 29/5/1445 CE, the Ottoman…
China forces birth control on Uighurs to suppress population
How Western NGOs Use Aid to Attack Islam and Re-Engineer Muslim Society
By Abu Rushayd al Tarabolsi – October 22, 2019 Are NGOs that support poor Muslims a good thing for us? Last summer, I traveled to Harvard to study the practice of sustainable development under a leading professor in the field. I personally work on funding development projects for Muslims in the Middle East, and this…
Questions that the Quranites Have No Good Logical Responses To
By Bassam Zawadi 1) Why don’t we have any record of early Muslims completely rejecting hadith? The hadith rejecter might argue back by saying “we don’t blindly follow people; you are committing the appeal to tradition fallacy”. However, you answer back that Allah says in the Quran… Surah 9:100 The vanguard (of Islam)- the first of…
Are Supporting and Siding with Tyrants Halal in Islam, Sh Hamza Yusuf?
Extracted from: I get it. I used to defend Sh Hamza Yusuf for certain things as well. You can search my Facebook posts. As late as 2016, even. So I get that some of you will react angrily to criticism of the man given how he is a scholar and has been teaching Islamic…
Interpreting the “Inkblots” of Nature: Intelligent Design or Illusion of Design?
Mehran Banaei Hermann Rorschach (1884-1922) was a Swiss psychiatrist well-known for developing a projective technique coined as Rorschach inkblot test. Rorschach was trying to relate human perception to personality characteristics. He believed the way subjects describe ambiguous inkblots can provide valuable clues to their basic inner feelings, personality traits, or could even diagnose mental illness,…
WW1, Caliphate & Muslim Unity
Podcast discussion with Mr. Mazin Abdul-Adhim ( concerning Caliphate in Islam. This is part of a series of stimulating discussions surrounding the topic of ‘Caliphate’ in Islam.